
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Save Money by Having a More Efficient Hot Water Heater

Your hot water heater is near the top of the list of appliance that hog energy in your home...what a perfect way to start our list of 100 off!  Take a look through this list:
  • First off repair leaks in your faucets and pipes of your hot water heater. Some leaks can waste over 35 gallons of water daily. Depending on your type of hot water heater this will save you between $10 and $20 alone if you happen to find a leak!  The savings are already adding up.
  • Insulate your water heater and exposed pipe to prevent the inlet from freezing, this may help  reduce heat loss.  Many hot water heaters are already adequately insulated.
  • When you leave for vacation, don’t pay to keep heating water.  If leave during the summer set it to off or pilot.  If winter set it to prevent freezing
  • Drain off sediments.
  • Turning the thermostat down from a normal setting of about 140°F to 120°F will save energy and money. In some homes, those savings have amounted to more than 10% of the total energy usage.
  • Go tankless!  Start-up costs will be high, but it will save energy and money in the long run becuase you only heat the water you use.