
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saving Money with Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

You don't have to replace all you light bulbs at once. Try replacing your existing light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs as they burn out and you will spread the upfront cost out over the year.  Here are a few facts about energy efficient light bulbs:
  • They can save $40 in costs over the lifetime of the bulb.
  • They use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last 10 times longer (which means fewer bulb changes....especially nice for high ceilings!)
  • They produce 75% less energy so they are safer to operate and can cut a little energy in home cooling costs.
Help the environment and save energy by purchasing one of these items made out of incandescent light bulbs.  Aren't these clever.  She has many other items worth taking a look at!

LIGHT BULB Lichen Terrarium. Great for HOME or OFFICE. Completely Carefree. Nice Unusual Gift. Terrariums by mossterrariums on Etsy.

Or maybe this:

Painted Recycled Light Bulb Ornament